Daniela Spalletta
and TRP Music – Musical Productions & Editions
The Gift
the official music video and the new single in radio promotion
The Gift
“The Gift” is the Supreme Gift, Life. The rediscovery of its intrinsic value, its light which conquers and heals, the encounter and the union of the opposites. The single, from the upcoming album “Per Aspera ad Astra”, is its fifth track and constitutes the center and keystone of the concept: the darkness becoming light, the parts becoming the whole, the pain becoming love. The theme of the transformation, in the sense of spiritual evolution, is crucial in the album, and the single well embodies the moment of this awareness: from The Gift onwards, the story of Per Aspera ad Astra changes its direction, both in musical and extra-musical sense.
There is a key image, contained in the text and that inspired the story of the video clip: the flower that is born, slowly opens and finally, despite everything, at the right time, blooms. In the video-clip, we meet three characters, the woman, the man and the child, representing the opposing forces, struggling inside the human soul. Each one of the three characters finds a part of that flower, and this discovery pushes them to set out, looking for the missing parts, kept by the others. During this journey, each of them will come across some “signs”: places and people who will show them the way or invite them to change direction. In their wandering, they will approach each other several times, passing side by side, but they will never really seeing each other. Only at the end they will meet and see each other eye to eyes: so they will recompose the divided flower and the opposites will be finally reunited and harmonized in the whole.
The Gift
You never wondered how a flower blooms?
Did ever try feeling its guilty plight?
Can realize its wisdom? Its light surrender to earth, it’s saved...
A breath away,
something blows from desert,
a fire spiral reached me,
It’s sweet like harmony
played by violins,
it grabs me, finally, it did.
Here is my prayer,
temper my faith with Love.
So hard to build a new world,
exhausting find a hero,
but mostly get up from pains,
from falls.

Il dono
Ti sei mai chiesto come fa a sbocciare un fiore?
Hai mai provato a immedesimarti nella sua fatica?
Hai mai compreso la sua sapienza?
La sua luce si arrende alla terra: finalmente è salvo...
Un respiro fa,
qualcosa soffia dal deserto,
una spirale di fuoco mi ha raggiunto,
è dolce, come un'armonia suonata da violini,
finalmente mi avvolge, completamente.
È questa la mia preghiera, tempra la mia fede con l'amore.
È così difficile costruire un mondo migliore,
così faticoso trovare un eroe,
ma la cosa più difficile è rialzarsi dalle cadute e dal proprio dolore.
Daniela Spalletta
Concept, Composer, Arranger, String Arrangements, Lyricist, Primary Artist
Urban Fabula
Featured Artist
Trp Studio Orchestra
Featured Artist
Alberto Fidone
Conductor, Music Director
Riccardo Samperi
Sound Engineer, Sound Designer
Daniela Spalletta Alberto Fidone Riccardo Samperi:
Producer, Creative Director
Videoclip Director: Francesco Di Martino, Giuseppe Portuesi
Photography & Cover Art: Rori Palazzo
Cover Character: Sergio Bonuomo